Journey from 2015 and continuing
Raised funds through Golf Clinics to support the Arunabh School: $3500+
Arunabh School strength increased from 12 to 32 children and counting
Medical Camp strength increased from 311 patients to 747 patients
First Early Intervention Diagnosis and Evaluation was held for children under the age of 6 years old
First Family Support training session was held to continue the education of ASD children after school, included whole communities to work to help the children

Doctors to the Medical Camp have now become regular practitioners who come to have been scheduled to come to every Medical Camp
First Arunabh awareness event was held - the ANHAD talent show - in a local mall to increase social attention of these events and boost confidence of the ASD children
Early Intervention has lowered the lowest age in the school from 8 years old to 3 years old, a major shift in giving effective ASD education
A top private school in all of India - Daly College - has recognized Arunabh's changes to the community and has donated a new minivan to help Arunabh transport its students

The chief minister of the Madhya Pradesh state visited Arunabh to recognize the school's contribution to the community
A land plot of 2 acres was donated to Arunabh in order to start its new "What's Next Mission" of vocational training. A new plant nursery, renewable energy area and naturopathy center are to be made on the land plot