What's Next Mission
The What's Next Mission is an initiative to provide ASD children with vocational training so they can use what they have learned in school to contribute to the real world

This new 2 acres of donated landed will be used primarily for new vocational trainings and other school events and functions

Plant Nursery
Students will be given training on planting and farming methods to help with therapeutic practices and vocational training. This will span from planting seeds, watering, observing and harvesting. Currently, this process is on a small scale but will be on a larger scale with the new land plot
Computer Technology
New computer vocational trainings have been added to Arunabh to encourage an early advance in the technological future for ASD students. At Arunabh, new technologies are being used to help program, code, and use applications (ex. Powerpoint, Photoshop).

Current development of a small-scale manufacturing facility is being initiated through new resources in the US found by the research. The repetitive manufacturing style particularly suits ASD people and will be a great way to help in the future of ASD students to provide for themselves and their families.